We work with you

to recapture your potential, channel capability,
and reshape your career

… because life is seldom a straight line

What’s your curveball?

At some stage in your life, you may find that life’s curveballs are affecting your chance to feel fulfilled in meaningful work.

Perhaps you have moved to a new city, experienced a natural disaster, your partner gets a job transfer, or you experience a relationship breakdown.

Maybe you’ve just realised that you studied the wrong qualification, or that you are ready to transition to a different stage of your career.

Let’s redirect that curveball


“Sometimes curveballs are actually a blessing in disguise; rather than let your curveball get you down, see it as a new beginning to move ahead.” 

Curveballs works with you to recapture confidence, build capability and reshape your career.

Capturing your potential

Curveballs helps you to clarify your potential and purpose to see where it could lead you.

We help you see your strengths, and how they can create opportunities.


Channel your capability

Whether you want to improve your own work performance or be a better leader, we will
help you develop your capabilities.

We support you to take on more challenging roles.

Re-energised for action

We support you to catch a wave and seize an opportunity to do something different.